New special chair in Educational Theory and Law
Following a special donation, the Stichting Pro Juventute foundation is facilitating a new special chair in Educational Theory and Law. Through the chair, Pro Juventute hopes to realise optimum child protection from a coherent legal and educational perspective.

Pro Juventute is committed to investing in innovative activities for troubled children and young people, with a particular focus on non-residential youth care. The foundation funds practical initiatives and supports research in this field. The donation marks Pro Juventute's first collaboration with the Leiden University Fund (LUF) and Leiden University.
During the signing ceremony, Professor of Child Law Mariëlle Bruning highlighted the importance of the chair ‘for enhancing collaboration between the Department of Child Law and the Institute of Education and Child Studies’. She continues, ‘It enables a greater focus on establishing connections between science and practice. The purpose of the chair is to promote the development of professionals in youth care and youth protection by transferring scientific knowledge. The chair also aims to identify the practical issues that deserve scientific attention.’
More information
For more information, read this article on LUF's website (in Dutch).