Introducing the new Faculty Board
On 15 February 2024, Leiden Law School's Faculty Board will enter a new phase.

Professor Jan Crijns will take up office as Vice Dean on 15 February 2024 with a broad portfolio that includes Education. Professor Suzan Stoter will combine overseeing the faculty’s Research portfolio with her position as Dean and will be supported in this by Professor Janine Ubink, Director of Research. Gertjan Boshuizen (Director of Operational Management) and Hannah Saberi (Assessor) complete the Faculty Board, which can look to the future with confidence together with Academic Directors, staff and students.
We would like to thank Professor Jan Adriaanse and Professor Janine Ubink for temporarily overseeing the Education and Research portfolios since 1 July 2023. They have made a valuable contribution to the continuity of the Board and our education and research. In addition to Professor Janine Ubink continuing her tasks, the Faculty Board is delighted that Professor Jan Adriaanse is going to continue to be involved in the Faculty Board as a Kernvisie advisor. As Professor Jan Crijns is now joining the Faculty Board, a recruitment process has been started to fill the vacancy of Academic Director of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology. Professor Jean-Pierre van der Rest is currently interim Academic Director at the Institute of Tax Law and Economics and a separate recruitment process is therefore underway to fill that vacancy. Another announcement on these appointments will follow.
Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl is pleased with Leiden Law School’s new Faculty Board: ‘Thanks to the new structure and range of Board members, the faculty can now combine its experience from within Leiden University with its ability to achieve results. Professor Jan Crijns has an excellent record and extensive management experience as an Academic Director and Director of Education at Campus The Hague. The Executive Board has full confidence in the future of Leiden Law School.’
Suzan Stoter: ‘I'm delighted with our new board and to have Jan Crijns with all his experience as Vice Dean on the Faculty Board. His appointment is supported by the Academic Directors and the Faculty Council. Over the coming period, we will be focusing on research, changes to the Law and Criminology bachelor’s programmes and guaranteeing the professionalism and financial sustainability of our faculty.’