Common Market Law Review Young Academics Prize 2023
The Common Market Law Review's 2023 Prize for Young Academics has been awarded to Friso Bostoen and David van Wamel for their co-authored article: ‘The Digital Markets Act: A Partial Solution to Antitrust’s Remedy Problem’. Their winning paper will be published in an upcoming issue of the Review.
Friso Bostoen is an Assistant Professor of Competition Law & Digital Regulation at Tilburg University. His research focuses on the regulation of online platforms and technology under competition law and sectoral regulation.
David van Wamel is a PhD Candidate at Leiden University and KU Leuven, where he is involved in a joint research project on the enforcement of EU competition law. His thesis is titled Safeguarding Competition: Modernising EU competition law enforcement for today’s economy.

The Editorial Board of Common Market Law Review wishes to sincerely thank those who submitted articles, many of which were of outstanding quality.
Every year, the Editorial Board selects an article submitted by a young or early career academic. Originality of thought, a significant contribution to existing scholarship, quality of analysis and research, and excellence in presentation, are the key criteria.
If you are interested in submitting an article for the 2024 Prize for Young Academics, the details will be announced in the spring.