In 450 days... 450 years of Leiden University!
In exactly 450 days’ time, on 8 February 2025, it is the university’s 450th anniversary. We are going to celebrate this with our students, staff, alumni and friends. In the run-up to the anniversary, we are compiling our top 450: Who or what is your favourite?
One of our great traditions is to celebrate our anniversary every five years. To get things started, on 16 November 2023 – 450 days before our 450th anniversary – we are launching a website with our favourites from those 450 years. We are enlisting help for this: 450 people will have a chance to share what they like best about the university, from the past or the present.
Share your favourite
The Top 450 website is a compilation of who or what from Leiden University’s rich history inspires, moves or is an example to us. This can be anything: famous words, a special place, an important discovery, someone who stands out from the crowd or just a really interesting object. Are you connected in some way to the university? Share your favourite on and who knows, it may just make it into the Top 450.