First authors meeting COI book project November 2023
On November 21, 2023, participants in the Leiden Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) book project met up for their first authors meeting.
The book will be targeted at a broad audience. It focuses on the changing role of the judge in conflicts on both the micro and macro levels. How can the judiciary optimally deal with the expectations regarding its problem-solving capacities, and what are the consequences of this for trust in the judiciary and judicial legitimacy? Researchers from Leiden and beyond will provide answers to these and related questions based on the research that has been taking place within the COI research program in recent years.
During the authors meeting, the various author teams presented the abstracts they had prepared for their chapters. In this way, all participants received a good overview of the intended contents of the book and could discuss the contents of the chapters as well as the connections between the different parts of the book. After a final overarching discussion we looked ahead to the continuation of the project, and we concluded with drinks to celebrate our progress.