How can we improve the availability of information to the public in disputes with government authorities?
The Netherlands Open Government Action Plan was recently presented to the Dutch House of Representatives. One of the action points in the plan relates to research to be conducted by Annemarie Drahmann, Louis Honée and Ymre Schuurmans, all staff at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law. Their research will deal with the availability of information to the public in disputes with government authorities.

Openness within government organisations
The Netherlands is a member of the Open Government Partnership (OGP), a global partnership that focuses on promoting transparent and accountable governance. The Netherlands Open Government Action Plan was drawn up within the framework of this partnership. The plan contains 17 actions points, spread over seven themes, and focuses on, among other things, actively collecting information from citizens, better meeting the information needs of different target groups, and encouraging a shift towards a culture of more openness within government organisations.
Information inequality between parties
In proceedings under administrative law, it is important that information is available to both the public and government authorities. In practice, however, there is an information inequality between both parties. The three researchers from Leiden will identify concrete problem areas that citizens and companies face and formulate possible solutions to address these issues
Find out more?
Read the complete document Open Government Action Plan 2023-2027 (in Dutch).
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