Institutions for Conflict Resolution PhD Lab 2023
On April 14, 2023, the Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) research group at Leiden University organized its third annual Lab. The central aim of this meeting was to provide a starting point for the Leiden COI book project.
The book will be targeted at a broad audience. It focuses on the changing role of the judge in conflicts on both the micro and macro levels. How can the judiciary optimally deal with the expectations regarding its problem-solving capacities, and what are the consequences of this for trust in the judiciary and judicial legitimacy? Researchers from Leiden and beyond will provide answers to these and related questions based on the research that has been taking place within the COI research program in recent years.
The aim of this Lab was to take stock of our research findings so far. Which provisional answers can we formulate to our research questions? And which areas need further attention? We discussed these issues in brainstorm groups and collectively reflected on our findings in plenary sessions, which resulted in a draft table of contents for the book. Afterwards, we had a nice lunch at the Hortus Grand Café.
Thanks to all for their enthusiastic participation, and stay tuned for updates on the book!