Field School 2023: We are back in Oss!
Monday, 3 April, the yearly field school for all first-year students at the Faculty of Archaeology will start. The municipality of Oss is welcoming our 120 students and provides an excellent practical learning stage for the basic skills they will need to master for their professional careers.
Training the future archaeologists
All students will be in Oss for two weeks, where they will be trained in excavating, analysing and documenting profile sections, levels and features. Another part of the training consists of an archaeological landscape excursion, coring research, and find processing (washing and cataloguing) in the 'Over de Maas' project.

Collaborative project
The excavation will focus on the investigation of the landscape of the Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements in the rural areas in the northeastern part of Oss. Like in previous years, the Faculty of Archaeology and Archol BV Leiden will be working closely together in this endeavour. We are very much looking forward to working on this project with our students, together with Archol B.V. and the municipality of Oss!
Colleagues Arjan Louwen, Mark Driessen, Joanne Mol, Eric Dullaart, Richard Jansen and Maaike de Waal will be teaching in Oss in block 4, so their presence at the faculty will be limited between 3 April and 12 May. Please check their out-of-office replies if you need to contact them.
Join the open and walk-in days
During the field school, there will be ample opportunities to visit during so-called open days and walk-in days.
- Open days: 21 April and 3 May
- Walk-in days: 6 April, 12 April, 26 April and 11 May