Wei Chu receives SNMAP funding for dating earliest dwelling structures in Ukraine
At some point in the deep past the first known dwelling structures were built out of mammoth bones in a country we now know as Ukraine. Archaeologist Wei Chu would have visited the site in summer 2022, were it not for the war. Now he has received funding from SNMAP with the aim to better establish the chronology of these dwellings.
The purpose of Wei Chu's study is to better understand the chronology and use of one of the earliest dwelling structures in the world and identify its life history. This is important because there is essentially no reliable archaeological data of this type from this period. By performing key radiocarbon analyses of newly excavated samples, the results will provide important high-resolution chronological data from a singular well-preserved mammoth bone structure in Ukraine.
These data will illustrate how early modern humans used behavioral solutions to respond to harsh and dynamic environments, how this changed over time, and ultimately provide an explanation of how modern humans came to occupy nearly every terrestrial habitat on earth.
The funding was made available by the Stichting Nederlands Museum voor Anthropologie en Praehistorie (SNMAP).