New project on musical robots for people with dementia
Under the umbrella of a recently NWO grant focused on using AI to increase quality of life for people with dementia, Rebecca Schaefer’s Music, Brain, Health Technology group will collaborate with TU Delft to co-create social agents focusing on musical interactions together with people with dementia.

The TU Delft PhD-research will co-create a musical social robot that guides and enriches people's daily activities, supporting and augmenting caregivers tasks. Among other things the co-creation will build on the results and insight of the ReJAM-project. The envisioned social robot supports caregivers to bring about positive experiences and mitigate participation bottlenecks of the PwD (people with dementia). As music has a high potential to stimulate beneficial social, cognitive and affective processes, specific attention will be paid to the selection and provision of music during the robot-guided activitities.