IIASL visits key European aviation stakeholders in Brussels
Leiden Law School’s International Institute of Air and Space Law visited key European aviation stakeholders in Brussels where IIASL staff and students were able to engage with those directly involved in ensuring that the EU aviation sector is safe, resilient and sustainable.

The visits provided a platform for academia, regulators and industry to share ideas and discuss ongoing matters, thus contributing to the future-proofing of European civil aviation.
Following discussions at the European Parliament, European Commission and EUROCONTROL, the IIASL was hosted by Airports Council International (ACI EUROPE) for presentations delivered by ACI EUROPE, the Single European Sky Air Traffic Management Research (SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking), Airlines for Europe (A4E), the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) and the Aerospace, Security and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD Europe).
While at ACI EUROPE, its General Counsel Bastiaan De Bruijne, a Leiden alumnus, welcomed the IIASL as an Educational Establishment Member of the organisation and gave a lecture to the students. Through this membership, ACI EUROPE and the IIASL seek to foster knowledge exchange on issues affecting airport operations and management, including airport sustainability, safety and security, capacity and airport slots, and groundhandling.