Committee Heerma van Voss findings: Chroom-6 payment regulation is equitable
In 2014, the Dutch Ministry of Defence received signals from employees and former employees suspecting that they had become ill from working with chrome paint and CARC. Among them, former and current employees who had previously worked at the former American storage sites (POMS-sites). As a response, the Ministry commissioned the independent research institute RIVM to start an investigation.

The Chroom-6 payment regulation is equitable and sufficiently generous. The regulation is also in line with similar regulations and with the liability law. This is the most important conclusion of the final report of the Committee Heerma van Voss that was presented to State Secretary of Defence Christophe van der Maat today. The committee investigated the regulation, the differences between the POMS sites and the other locations operated by the Ministry and the potential consequences of a possible extension of the regulation.
More information (in Dutch).