Successful launch of the Leiden Competition Talks on Regulation 1/2003
On 16 November 2022, the Europa Institute hosted an online panel discussion on the fragmentation of the application of the EU antitrust rules across the EU. The event inaugurated the Leiden Competition Talks webinar series on the functioning of the EU antitrust enforcement framework.
Almost 20 years ago, Regulation 1/2003 brought fundamental changes to EU antitrust enforcement, paving the way for a greater role of the Member State’s competition authorities and courts in the application of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU.
To ensure the consistent application of these rules across the EU, the Regulation introduced a ‘convergence rule’ (governing the relationship between EU and national antitrust rules) and various coordination mechanisms.
The participants discussed the extent to which the system has been effective in securing coherence and uniformity and how it may be improved.
The panel consisted of three distinguished speakers: Ms Silke Hossenfelder (Head of General Policy Division at the German competition authority, Bundeskartellamt), Dr Or Brook (Associate Professor of Competition Law and Policy, University of Leeds) and Dr Assimakis Komninos (Partner at the Brussels office of White & Case LLP). The discussion was moderated by Dr Ben Van Rompuy.

The Leiden Competition Talks on Regulation 1/2003 - a new series of lectures and panel discussions – will provide a regular forum for thought-provoking discussion and reflection on the functioning of Regulation 1/2003, both at the EU and national level. It features leading academics, policy-makers, regulators, and practitioners offering various perspectives on key aspects of the system of enforcement set out in the Regulation.
The talks, which will run until the 20th anniversary of the entry into force of Regulation 1/2003, are organised by the Europa Institute of Leiden Law School. They are held as online webinars that are open to all, but prior registration is required.