European Drama and Performance Studies 2022 – 2, n° 19 - Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st-Century Body
In the journal series European Drama and Performance Studies, Jed Wentz has edited issue n° 19 - Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st-Century Body.

European Drama and Performance Studies is a journal devoted to the history of performing arts. Thematic issues are published in French and/or English.
In this issue Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st Century Body, editor Jed Wentz, invites experts from various disciplines, such as Mary Carruthers, Anne Smith, Bernard Hommel and Xavier Vandamme, to elaborate on various subjects concerning the theme of this issue. Topics such as practice-based research into historical acting through the writings of Aaron Hill, reflections on historical acting and the Alexander Technique and different acting styles of actors and declaimers are covered.
Quite a few members of the ACPA team such as Paul Craenen, Anna Scott, Suzan Tunca and Laila Cathleen Neuman and ACPA alumnus Kevin Toksöz Fairbairn have also made contributions to the issue.
European Drama and Performance Studies 2022 – 2, n° 19Historical Acting Techniques and the 21st-Century Body can be found here.