Fifteen year old paper receives international award
How did a fifteen year old paper receive an award? It happened to LIACS professor Todor Stefanov and his colleagues. Their paper was awarded with the Test of Time Award, an international award for papers that had the highest impact over time. This paper in particular is about Daedalus, a framework used in embedded system design.
To design embedded systems, we frequently use a method called system-level design. This method poses some challenges, as it can be difficult to make the system work properly and the created models are often not implemented correctly. To make system-level design easier, Stefanov and his colleagues, among which Ed Deprettere (retired) and Hristo Nikolov (former PhD student), have developed the Daedalus framework.
A timeless framework that still has impact
The Test of Time award is handed out to authors that published articles with a high impact. Stevanov’s paper from 2007 is one of them. Despite the fact that Daedalus has been developed over fifteen years ago, people still use the framework in research as well as university classes. Besides this, engineers now use several research ideas and methods that were initially proposed in Daedalus. Furthermore, the research group created an adaptation of Daedalus that can be used to support multiple applications. Daedalus definitely stood against the test of time and its impact will last for many years to come.
The Test of Time Award is being handed out during the Embedded Systems Week (ESWEEK) 2022. The International Embedded Systems Community hands out the award to papers that have had the highest impact over time after being published at previous conferences.