RISE Award given to Emeritus Professor Jetty Kleijn
This year's RISE Award goes to emeritus professor Jetty Kleijn (LIACS). According to the board of RISE, Kleijn has dedicated herself in the past years to gender equality within LIACS and the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. It is the first time since the introduction of the award in 2018 that it is presented to a woman.

'Ever since she joined LIACS in 1982, Jetty has been a role model for all female scientists and students at LIACS,' complimented RISE board member Irene Groot in her speech. Over the years, Kleijn initiated and supported important activities, such as the Informatics Ladies Day, annual lunches on Ada Lovelace Day and International Women's Day.
A role model for women of all ages
Jetty played a big role in launching several important initiatives to promote science subjects among girls in secondary schools. She was also committed to creating an inclusive, welcoming culture for female students and staff.' In 2015, Kleijn also founded LIAXX: the female student and staff platform at LIACS, of which she was president from 2017 to 2020.
Active member within various networks
Kleijn was also an active member within various networks of female scientists. For instance, she was a member of the Dutch Network of Female Professors, Sophia as well as RISE of Leiden University. She also represented LIACS in the Dutch ICT Platform (IPN) and participated in the IPN working group Equity, Diversity, Inclusion (EDI).
About RISE
The Researchers in Science for Equality (RISE) is a network for female scientists of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences. The mission of RISE is to build an inspiring working environment for women scientists to stimulate their personal and professional development and to advance their careers towards top positions in the beta sciences.