April and May recap for Anke Haarmann
April and May were busy months for our professor Anke Haarmann. We've highlighted a few of her activities.

As the president of the German Society for Artistic Research (GKFD) Anke organized “Le petit TV-Show: Bending the Rules – Mending the Rules: On “Standards of Good Scientific Practice” in Artistic Research” that took place on April 23rd 2022. How can knowledge be used to shake up art and how can art practice be used to break the status quo of academia? This question has been on the minds of her and other studio guests like Sandeep Bhagwati, Clara Herrmann, Hanne Loreck, Rabih Mroué and others with their contributions.
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On 28 April, Anke was an invited (online) speaker at the “Post doc circle on Diverse Impacts of Artistic Research” at the Theatre Academy (Uniarts Helsinki). There she reflected on artistic research and its impact on the arts, on research practice and the sciences and on society. How is the notion of relevance relevant?
On 9 May at the Design Centre Hamburg, Anke Haarmann and Karel Golta (Indeed Innovation) provided an insight into current issues and their work on speculative design. In Hamburg Design Talk #4, they made it clear why speculation is becoming an increasingly important skill in times of crisis and uncertainty. Because speculative design explores future scenarios in experimental projects in order to discover potential for the present.
Watch the Design Talk #4
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