ACPA alumna Kathryn Cok elected Vice-President of the Historical Keyboard Society
At the recent Historical Keyboard Society of North America Conference which took place from 22-26 June in Hunter New York, Kathryn Cok, Phd was nominated and elected to the position of Vice-President from July 1st by distinguished American and international colleagues.

Her role will involve helping this active society with the important task of promoting historical keyboard scholarship, performance, the composition of new repertoire, and historical keyboard instrument building and maintenance.
Kathryn also gave a lecture during the conference on her most recent research discovery concerning the compositional relationship between composers Lodovico Giustini and Jacob Wilhelm Lustig entitled: “Giustini & Lustig - a curious exchange”, and participated in a marathon performance of the first book of J.S. Bach’s monumental Well Tempered Clavier, which celebrates its 300th anniversary in 2022.