The Dutch Network Science Society Symposium 2022 was a success
Back after pandemic interruptions, the Dutch Network Science Society Symposium took place on May 19th, 2022. The event brought together researchers from around The Netherlands studying complex networks and representing various disciplines, including mathematics, physics, neuroscience, computer science, social sciences, behavioural sciences, and health sciences.
Young Talent Prize
The scientific program for the day was packed with invited talks from across the spectrum of research in network science. Sharing their work and their perspective on the field were researchers at Universiteit Utrecht, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Universiteit Twente, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Vrije Universiteit, and Universiteit Leiden. Ongoing collaborations with industry and society partners were showcased in a series of informative presentations. With an invited talk that rounded out the scientific program, the Dutch Network Science Society Young Talent Prize was awarded to dr. Bastian Prasse. Dr. Prasse obtained his PhD cum laude at TU Delft in May 2021 and is now Scientific Officer of Mathematical Modelling at the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.
Attendees from all over the world
Highlighting the rising prominence of network science across The Netherlands, interest in the event was extraordinary. The Symposium attracted 130 registered attendees from a range of disciplinary backgrounds and affiliations as far away as Michigan, Thailand, and Peru. The day included plenty of opportunity for this diverse community to discuss, socialize and enjoy food and drinks together.

The Dutch Network Science Society (www.netsci.nl), founded in 2018, is the official Dutch chapter of the International Network Science Society (www.netscisociety.net). The society's mission is to consolidate and support theoretical and applied network analysis research in the Netherlands in the broadest sense. The aim is to do so with both the interdisciplinary academic network science community as well as relevant industry partners and public sector organizations. Activities include scientific seminars and colloquia, open lectures, summer schools, talent awards, Dutch nominations for the International Erdős–Rényi Prize, online dissemination of relevant news, events, job opportunities and other information related to network science.