Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference - Call for Papers
This is a call for papers for the upcoming tenth issue of the Journal of the Lucas Graduate Conference (JLGC), intended to be published by the end of this year.
The JLGC is an annual, peer-reviewed journal, published online by Leiden University. Previous issues of the JLGC, as well as more information about it, can be found here.
We would like to invite you to submit your paper for the tenth issue of the JLGC. The tenth issue will be published in December 2022. The editorial board intends to publish up to ten articles (depending on the quality of the submitted material), with a length of 5000 to 7000 words, including footnotes, abstract, and biography. The theme of the upcoming issue centers on the notion of ‘Bodies’.
Since global antiquity, conceptions of the body have played a central role in culture and society. From physical figures to political metaphors, objects of analysis to sources of value, bodies take multiple forms. They ground emotions, desires and identities, and are inflected by technology. They connect to histories of place and space, both online and offline, and are framed by political, environmental, spiritual, and other discourses. All too often, conceptions of the body have been to delimit or exclude bodies deemed “other” for reasons of race, gender, class or other markers of identity. Never isolated, bodies are also arranged into larger units, from cultural groups to nation states. Thinking through the body not only reshapes our body of knowledge, it also moves us to rethink our lives otherwise in a time of political, ecological and health crises.
We welcome contributions from researchers across the humanities and social sciences. Participants are invited to consider topics including, but not limited to:
- Normative and deviant bodies (outlaw, disabled, ill)
- Performances and representations of the body in various media
- Collective bodies and biopolitics (medicine, ethics, governance, coercion, control, surveillance,
- resistance)
- Ecologies of the body (environmental relations, human and non-human bodies)
- Body modification, fragmentation and extension
- Mind and body (philosophies of the body, embodied knowledge, bodies as objects/subjects)
- Bodies in location (urban, suburban, rural and wild spaces)
- Sacred and profane bodies
- Movement and constraint (refugee, migrant and stateless bodies)
- Erotics and hermeneutics of bodies
The selection of the papers is based on the assessment of the editorial board as well as an extensive double-blind peer review performed by academics with expertise in relevant subject areas. Criteria for publication are the quality of the research presented in the paper, together with the development of new, innovative ideas and approaches.
The deadline for submission is 31 May 2022. In June, you will be informed by the editors-in-chief if your paper is eligible for review and potential publication. Further information about the next steps will be provided in this same email. In case you are willing to submit, please indicate your interest as soon as possible, as this will allow us to have a better idea of the number of papers we will expect to receive.
There are some conditions attached to the submission of an article for publication in the JLGC:
• Submitted articles may not already be under consideration for publication anywhere else, or be offered to another journal during the selection procedure.
• Authors are responsible for the publication rights of images – you must ensure images for publication are in Creative Commons or otherwise copyright-free, or alternatively, obtain explicit permission to republish from the copyright owner. Consult our image guidelines for more information. If you have any doubts about this, the Journal can try to help and find a possible solution or alternative.
• Authors must work together with an editor to make necessary adjustments in consultation with them and have their paper copy-edited.
• Authors must format their article in accordance with the JLGC’s style sheet.
To submit:
• Articles should be submitted both as a Word document and as a PDF file. Any images or tables should be supplied as individual files. Ideally, images should be in JPEG format, preferably with a resolution of 300 dpi (minimum: 150 dpi).
• Authors must join a short biographical sketch (c. 100 words), as well as an abstract for their article (c. 200 words).
We very much look forward to receiving your submission. If you have any questions regarding the submission of your paper or the JLGC’s procedures, do not hesitate to get in touch. Please contact us in the following email addresses:
d.kentrotis.zinelis@hum.leidenuniv.nl and s.a.polak@hum.leidenuniv.nl.