New Edition of Merrills’ International Dispute Settlement by Eric De Brabandere
Eric De Brabandere, Professor of International Dispute Settlement, and Director of the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies has just published the 7th Edition of the handbook Merrill’s International Dispute Settlement. The previous editions of this seminal handbook were authored by the late Professor John G. Merrills, who was Emeritus Professor at the University of Sheffield and sadly passed away in 2018.

Professor Merrills had last updated this important textbook in 2016, and Eric De Brabandere was asked by Cambridge University Press to take charge of a new edition.
Merrills’ International Dispute Settlement is one of the few existing handbooks on international dispute settlement. The fully revised seventh edition of this handbook, as the previous versions, explains the legal and diplomatic methods and organisations used to solve international disputes, how they work and when they are used. It looks at diplomatic (negotiation, mediation, inquiry and conciliation) and legal methods (arbitration, judicial settlement). The new edition has been fully updated throughout, and includes two new chapters: an introdcuotry chapter, the common principles of settlement, and a chapter on investor–state arbitration. Recommended further readings at the end of each chapter have also been added, in addition to a general revision of text and the references.