Kick-off Meeting: The Hague Southwest Thesis Project
After a first successful pilot of the The Hague Southwest Thesis Project a second cohort of students will start this year. The kick-off meeting for this takes place on Thursday 24 March from 15:00-17:00, STEK Shalom Kerk, Vrederustlaan 96, Den Haag.
Master students of Leiden University, TU Delft and Erasmus University Rotterdam will take you to their research ideas based on practical challenges (from the municipality of The Hague as well as professionals and key figures in The Hague Southwest) that are relevant for The Hague Southwest. In this meeting, the translation from practice to research is made concrete and visible. It is an important moment in the long-term investment in knowledge, policy and science about The Hague Southwest.
What does the thesis process look like?
Master students carry out research for their graduation and choose to commit to The Hague South West Thesis Workshop from their own discipline. With the help of their supervisor from their own university, they translate a policy problem proposed by the municipality of The Hague into a scientific research question; or a practice-oriented challenge proposed by the parties in the neighbourhoods.
This research proposal is then discussed in detail during a kick-off meeting with all relevant stakeholders, including the policy officers of the municipality of The Hague. This contact moment guarantees the social relevance and correct connection of the research proposal on the one hand and gives the student the opportunity to get the right contacts for his/her research on the other hand.
While the research is being carried out, there will be an informal, monthly contact moment for all students connected to the Hague South West Thesis Workplace. This way there is an opportunity to spar with fellow students and/or the coordinator where necessary. After conducting research and writing the thesis, the student is expected to make the translation from science to policy. Therefore, a short one-paper policy document is written with policy recommendations, or another practical output when desired. Finally, a closing meeting is organised where the students present their research and recommendations/output to the stakeholders. The final meeting creates the space and opportunity to discuss and share knowledge with each other in an integral way.
We think this can offer a unique opportunity for master's students to combine scientific relevance with social impact. The policy recommendations based on the research will be presented directly to the municipality of The Hague; however, various parties may require a different output from the student.

Photo credits: Dick de Jager (Dienst Stedelijke Ontwikkeling - collectie Haags Gemeentearchief)