New Inputs- research report by Richard Barrett
With the final version of his research report entitled NEW INPUTS, Richard Barrett concludes the documentation of research carried out for the Lectorate “Music, Society and Education” at the Royal Conservatoire.

NEW INPUTS proceeds from the question: how can we enrich the vocabulary and possibilities for musical improvisation by investigating how improvisation is discussed in other artistic disciplines? The output from this question took multiple directions and forms, and now comprises an extensive text. This text includes a transcript of a one-day symposium Barrett organised in November 2020, video's and audio material.
You can read NEW INPUTS here.
Two premieres of compositions in the Centre des Arts Enghien-les-Bains
On 5 March 2022 two premieres of compositions discussed in NEW INPUTS will be presented in the Centre des Arts Enghien-les-Bains near Paris. Both form part of an extended work in progress for the Paris-based ensemble soundinitiative. The first is duo 2 for soprano saxophone and electronic keyboard, using a specially created software instrument “STiMiK” (Stochastic-Timbred Microtonal Keyboard), performed by Joshua Hyde and Franco Venturini). The second is heard shadows & watched voices for solo performer (violin/voice/movement) and electronics, performed by current docARTES researcher Winnie Huang together with Etienne Graindorge.
See the programme here.