LCCP Working seminar spring 2022
The seminar is dedicated to the work-in-progress of Leiden Centre for Continental Philosophy staff and doctoral students. The paper is sent in advance and discussed in the meeting. The seminar is open to all. Venue: Lecture room or zoom.
The seminar program is available on centre for continental philosophy. If you want to participate, you can either send a mail to s.e.lindberg@phil.leidenuniv.nl or subscribe to the mailing list of LCCP, at the foot of the LCCP webpage.
Thursday 3 February 13:00-15:00 room Lipsius 148
Jonathon Phillips, Reviving Thrasymachus
Thursday 3 March 13:00-15:00 online/zoom
Luz Ascarate, Circé Furtwängler and Quentin Gailhac, (the co-organisers of the seminar on phenomenology at the University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne), "The phenomenology of perception. Before and after Merleau-Ponty" (on zoom)
Thursday 31 March 13:00-15:00 Lunch room PJ Veth T1.16
Martine Berenpas, tba
Wednesday 4 May 13:00 - 15:00 room Lipsius 227
Delia Popa, assistant professor, Villanova University
Abstract: The Freedom of Imagination
When we imagine something, we go beyond the frontiers of what is actually perceived and of what is clearly understood, enlarging the field of our experience and continuously modifying its contents. This is the reason why Eugen Fink defined imagination as “a universal modification of the whole life of our consciousness”. How should this universal modification be understood? What are its conditions of possibility and its purposes? Through the life of our imagination, we are capable of giving to our ordinary experience new shapes and orientations which are at the same time inspired by our actual experience and free from its particular determination in space and time. In my talk, I will focus on this double orientation of our imaginative acts, that offer at the same time an anchor in concrete experience and a critical detachment that nurtures its specific freedom.
Thursday 12 May 13:00-15:00 Lunch room PJ Veth T1.16
Suzan ten Heuw, Kierkegaard's ambivalent reception of Fichte.
Wednesday 25 May 13:00-15:00 PJ Veth 0.07
Prof. Artemy Magun, European University of St Petersbourg
Presentation on Vladimir Bibikhin's philosophy of nature.
The discussion will also touch upon the contemporary political situation in Russia.
Thursday 16 June 13.00 - 15:00 room Lipsius 148
Herman Siemens, James Pearson and Nidesh Lawtoo: Discussion with the working title "agon on the agon with mimetic interventions"