Percentage of female professors rises to over 30 percent
The percentage of female professors at Leiden University has risen to 30.2%. These are the results of the Women Professors Monitor 2021, which was published by the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH). This shows that Leiden University is well above the national average of 25.7%.
One in four professors in the Netherlands is a woman, ‘a milestone’ says LNVH. The LNVH expects it to take until 2040 before there is an equal number of male and female professors.
The Dutch Universities set targets for the percentage of female professors in the period 2015-2020. At the end of 2020, 11 of the 14 universities had reached their target, including Leiden University. For 2025, Leiden University has set itself a target that 35% of its professors must be women.
Career ladder
The figures show that the higher on the academic career ladder, the fewer women there are. More than half of the graduates from Dutch universities are women (53.5%). Among PhD candidates, 44.4% are women and for university lecturers this is 43.5%. The percentage then drops significantly to 30.4% of associate professors and 25.7% of professors.
More contracted hours, lower pay grade
Female academics at Dutch universities have on average slightly fewer contracted working hours than their male counterparts. The exception is female professors, who at an average of 0.87 FTE, have more contracted working hours than the men’s 0.84 FTE. As far as pay is concerned, women are systematically on a lower pay grade than their male colleagues. This has remained unchanged from last year.