Hall of fame 2021: Our students and staff in the spotlight
2021 saw many prizes awarded to staff and students of Leiden Law School. Grants for new research projects were also awarded and our staff were invited to particpate on committees or recognised in other ways too. An overview of this year’s achievements is given below.
- Nico Schrijver appointed to EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement Arbitration Panel
- Meijers prizes and thesis prizes awarded at New Year’s event
- Gitta Veldt wins Meijers prize and Van Wersch Springplank prize
- Reijer Passchier wins Meijers prize and Van Wersch Springplank prize
- Mark Leiser part of winning consortium of €1.5 million Volkswagen Foundation research grant
- Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law proud of Sarah Deaney and Eline van Slijpe

- Port and flowers: Pim Huijgen, 25 years a professor (Dutch)
- Maartje van der Woude appointed member of KHMW
- Ymre Schuurmans appointed on Council of State’s external reflection committee on child benefits scandal
- High level appointment for EIBL alumnus Martin Richardson
- Queen Máxima speaks with Valerie Frissen about Artificial Intelligence (Dutch)
- Leiden University 2nd Best in the 2021 Philip C. Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition
- Tycho de Graaf wins VBR Publication Award (Dutch)
- KNAW fund 'Science communication by scientists' awarded to Yvonne Erkens and Robert Heinsch
- Rick Lawson elected member of the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency
- Simone van der Hof awarded EU funding for research on age verification and consent mechanisms
- Liber amicorum for Willemien den Ouden (Dutch)
- Law student Floris Langenbach (23) wins fourth round TV quiz Per Seconde Wijzer (Dutch)

- Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm asked by Minister of Health for urgent advice on vaccination of children
- Toni Reef received Senior Teaching Qualification
- Tim Lubbers, Corlijn Reijgward and Lucy Opoka winners of Meijers PhD positions
- LUF grant for legal-historical research into maritime law (Dutch)
- Aleydis Nissen Wins the Andrés Bello Prize (Institut de Droit International)
- JSVO teaching prizes for Maarten Kunst and Jonathan Huijts
- Maartje van der Woude appointed member of Advisory Committee on Migration Affairs (ACVZ) (Dutch)
- UACES Best Book Prize awarded to Vestert Borger
- René Cassin Thesis Prize in Human Rights for Aleydis Nissen

- Jaap van den Herik receives royal distinction on his retirement - Leiden University
- Professor Tineke Cleiren presented with Meijerspenning at farewell address (Dutch)
- Daniëlla Dam-de Jong appointed to Advisory Committee on Public International Law
- Review Prize for young academics
- SAILS researcher Anne Meuwese awarded PDI-SSH grant
- Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm asked again to advise Minister of Health - Leiden University
- Katie Pentney wins Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 with master’s thesis
- Meghan Ingram wins the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2021 - Leiden University
Do you know someone who has not been included on this list (perhaps even yourself!) and deserves to be on it? Please let us know!