COI Stakeholders meeting 14 October 2021
On 14 October 2021, a stakeholders' meeting was held on the role of institutions for conflict resolution and the position of citizens in conflicts on climate change or environmental degradation.
Around 25 stakeholders, referees and researchers from Leiden, Nijmegen and Utrecht came together to inform and inspire each other about research. Several research ideas were presented, after which referees responded to these ideas. This led to an interesting exchange between science and legal practice, where representatives from legal practice functioned as a sounding board for the research ideas.
The stakeholders' meeting took place in the afternoon at the Central Museum in Utrecht. Professor Ivo Giesen welcomed the partipants and the meeting was then opened by the organisers Hanneke van Eijken and Thomas Riesthuis. First the highlights of the theme Institutions for Conflict Resolution from 2020 to 2021 were discussed by Miranda Boone, Marieke Dubelaar and Rianka Rijnhout. Subsequently, a research project following the route ‘between conflict and cooperation’ by the ‘Nationale wetenschapsagenda’ was presented. Finally, three COI research ideas were pitched. The meeting ended with a drinks reception when there was time to exchange even more ideas. This concluded a successful and inspiring meeting that will hopefully lead to successful and inspiring research projects.