The CARICOM-MERCOSUR Chamber will attend the World Trade Organization Forum on Trade after the COVID-19 pandemic
The CARICOM-MERCOSUR Chamber has confirmed its participation at the ‘Trade Beyond COVID-19: Building Resilience’, a public seminar organized by the World Trade Organization.
This conference is part of the World Trade Organization Forum on Trade after the Covid-19 pandemic and will analyse the effects of the pandemic on trade and explore multilateral trading systems to build resilience after the global pandemic. In particular, it will deal with methods to enhance resilience beyond COVID-19, formulas to strengthen multilateral trade, and ways of collective action towards sustainable trade.
Registration for the event is free and can be found at the following link:

The CARICOM-MERCOSUR Chamber aims to contribute to do business for increasing bilateral trade and investments in Latin America and the Caribbean. Considering the number of Member States of both blocs and the population and wealth they encompass, it has become the most important alliance in Latin America and the Caribbean. Hence the relevance of the invitation extended by the World Trade Organization.
The CARICOM-MERCOSUR Chamber has also caught the attention of the United Nations. Indeed, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC) is negotiating with the CARICOM-MERCOSUR Chamber several plans to bring back production and social protection to the levels they enjoyed before the pandemic.
Both invitations prove that the relations between southern countries are increasingly gaining ground in the international arena, as these southern forums’ behaviour can have secondary effects in other regions.