Michelle Achterberg receives Award for PhD Thesis on brain development in children
On June 10, Michelle Achterberg received the prize for best dissertation from the Dutch Neurofederation, the network of Dutch neuroscientists, for her thesis 'Like me, ore else...'. Achterberg obtained her doctorate cum laude from the Gravitation Program 'Samen Uniek' of the Leiden Consortium on Individual Development (L-CID). She now works as a researcher at Leiden University and Erasmus University in Rotterdam.
Wow! Super honored to receive the Dutch Neurofederation PhD Thesis award!
Michelle Achterberg on LinkedIn
''A very nice award for the PhD research that I certainly did not do alone! Fortunately, during the award session I get the chance to not only put my research, but also my wonderful supervisors Eveline Crone, Anna Van Duijvenvoorde & Marian Bakermans-Kranenburg and my insane research team in the spotlight!''
Don’t underestimate the developing child brain
Children’s brains react in the same way to social feedback as adults’ brains. But handling frustration or aggression after being rejected is a different matter, developmental psychologist Michelle Achterberg has discovered. Using fMRI techniques, the development of the child brain has now been studied for the first time in a large sample study.
Read more about Michelle Achterberg's PhD Thesis defence