Audio essay - A Fundamental Mode Of Being in the World: Improvisatory Paths as a Principle Creative Paradigm
ACPA alumni Ilya Ziblat Shay recently published the audio essay, A Fundamental Mode Of Being in the World: Improvisatory Paths as a Principle Creative Paradigm.

Comprehending improvisation as a principle creative paradigm affects the way we make music, how we understand it, and how we listen to it.
By reflecting on Shay's own practice, he discusses the idea that improvisation exists not only in so-called improvised music, but also in composition, in interactive computer systems, and in audio mixing.
Improvisation affords the creation of new knowledge through experimentation and interaction, and, as such, challenges the more traditional view of western art music which separates the work of the composer and the performers.
Furthermore, the concept of improvisation is not only quintessential to our understanding of musical processes; it is also a "fundamental mode of being in the world" (Lewis, 2007).
You can find the audio essay on Seismograf, a peer-reviewed audio journal (2021)