ELS first aid kit for doctrinal legal scholars
Empirical legal studies is receiving more and more attention. At Leiden Law School, we have chosen the topic ‘markets, behaviour, and the regulatory role of the law’ as starting point to advance our empirical legal research. The goal is to bring together legal scholars and social scientists from across the faculty to collaboratively explore legally relevant questions related to market regulation.
Are you curious about the empirical research that your colleagues at the faculty are doing? Are you looking to learn more about empirical research methods? Then you are more than welcome to join the upcoming ELS lab meetings. And in case you are thinking ‘ELS, not for me!’, you might want to have a look at this flyer: a first aid kit for doctrinal legal scholars. Caution: be aware of the side effects when following these prescriptions. They might cause severe feelings of affection for ELS, eventually distracting you from your usual field of interest.
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