Suzanne Bloks wins Leiden University MA Thesis Prize
What is the best electoral system for a democracy? First place at the Leiden University Thesis Awards 2021 is for those who have added a cleverly substantiated, personal vision to this socially relevant theme. ' This is what Annetje Ottow, chairman of the executive board and board member of the Leiden University Fund said at the online presentation of the university thesis awards on 3 March. The lucky winner, Suzanne Bloks, studied philosophy.
The candidates for the annual university thesis awards, there is also a second and a third prize, are nominated by their faculty. First prize winner Suzanne Bloks was put forward by the Faculty of Humanities with her thesis at the interface of philosophy and political science. In her thesis she deals with various forms of democratic representation. The latter in its own and original plea for a system of proportional representation - as the Netherlands knows - above, for example, the district system. Suzanne was rewarded with 3000 euros. She has started as a PhD candidate at the Universität Hamburg.
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