Rogier Creemers in Schweizer Monat about China's social credit system
Rogier Creemers, assistent professor in Modern Chinese Studies, wrote an article about China's social credit system in the Schweizer Monat. In the article he argues that it is not the most dangerous among China's technology projects.
China's social credit system can be described as a system that monitors the trustworthiness and behaviour of citizens. For example, if you get caught jaywalking, you will get a low social credit score. Those with a high rating will get rewards and the ones with low scores will get punished.
As the social credit system enters its second phase, Creemers reflects on the results of the system since its national implementation in 2014. 'China's leadership is now embarking on the second, consolidated phase of SCS development,' he writes. According to Creemers, it is therefore worthwhile to review how the Chinese government assesses its success and shortcomings, but also in which direction they will steer the social credit system.
Do you want to know more?
Read the entire article on the website of Schweizer Monat.