Rijpma speaks at expert meeting of Senate on European Migration and Asylum Pact
On Tuesday 2 March, Jorrit Rijpma spoke at the Standing Committee on European Affairs of the Dutch Senate about the European Migration and Asylum Pact.
At this meeting, representatives from academia and civil-society organisations (including Vluchtelingenwerk Nederland and Artsen zonder Grenzen) discussed various elements of the European Commission’s plans for a new asylum and migration management regulation. Rijpma focussed on the proposals concerning asylum and in particular the so-called screening and border procedures. He fears that the latter procedures will lead to a new Moria, through a ‘codification and generalisation’ of the hotspot approach in European legislation.
Rijpma was also speaking on behalf of the Meijers Committee, the standing committee of experts on international immigration, refugee and criminal law, of which he is a member and which had responded critically to the proposals of the Committee. See for more information here.
Because of coronavirus measures the meeting was organised in hybrid form. The meeting (held in Dutch) can be viewed here.