One-day webinar on children and young adults in contact with the law
On Friday 16 April, the webinar 'Children and young adults in contact with the law: Systemic vulnerabilities and institutional responses' will take place. The webinar is organised by Eva Schmidt LL.M, Dr. Anna Pivaty (Radboud University/Maastricht University) and Dr. Stephanie Rap, with the support of the Netherlands Network of Human Rights Research.
Children and young adults are often considered vulnerable participants in legal procedures. The recent view on the problem of vulnerability in human rights law is that it is not ‘innate’ to particular individuals or groups, but that it is (co-)created by the legal system itself. Individuals can be ‘vulnerable’ at the face of the legal system (i.e. find themselves in a vulnerable position), because this system fails to sufficiently accommodate diversity, or creates barriers to their effective participation.
During this webinar the notion of systemic failures will be explored, which can lead to greater vulnerability of children and young adults in different legal proceedings. Particular focus will be placed on the ‘hidden’ or ‘emerging’ factors leading to vulnerability (as opposed to the traditional factors such as adolescence or maturity). The aim of this webinar is to come to an enhanced understanding of the concept of ‘vulnerability’ of children and young adults in contact with the law.
The event will start with a keynote speech by Ann Skelton, professor at the University of Pretoria and visiting professor at Leiden University, and member of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child. Subsequently, an international group of researchers will present their research during two different panels. In the third panel, invited PhD candidates and post-doc researchers will pitch their research ideas on related topics. The full programme and book of abstracts and information on the participating researchers can be found here.
Registration is possible until 9 April, using this online form. Participation is free of charge.