for the beauty of physics
Leiden Physics Poster

Tobias de Jong - Graphene Map
Three magnitudes of (dis-)order: graphene grows atomically perfectly aligned on silicon carbide. However, the lattice constants have a slight mismatch, preventing a perfect fit between the layers. On a larger scale, this yields dislocation lines where the mismatch is concentrated. These dislocation lines, in red, form patches of regular networks of lines or triangles. By using Low Energy Electron Microscopy to visualize these patches on large scales, we extract information about the original lattices mismatch between the graphene atoms and the silicon carbide lattice.

Voyager - Samia Ouhajji and Rachel Doherty
With a 3D printer we can print particles in any shape imaginable, such as the starship from the Star Trek series Star Trek: Voyager (length: 15 micrometers, roughly 1/6 of a hair's thickness). Currently, we are investigating if these microscale particles (approximately hundred times smaller than the thickness of a hair) can swim to high viscosity regions. All major cardiovascular diseases and diabetes have been linked to an increase in the viscosity of blood. As blood thickens, so does one’s risk to one of these diseases. We hope to develop new drugs that can navigate fluids that do not flow as easily as water.

Topological Flap - Anne Meeussen
In Martin van Hecke's Mechanical Metamaterials group, we investigate how a material's shape influences its mechanical properties. Here, you're looking at a 3D-printed structure that can morph from one twisty, bendy, and organic shape to another. It starts out as a large, thin sheet- about half a metre long- with parallel ridges. These ridges can snap through, and lock the sheet into a new configuration.

Jean Paul van Soest - Nickel worm
Scanning electron microscopy image of a nickel wire. The tip of the wire was used to probe graphite using scanning tunneling microscopy. During the measurement the tip crashed into the sample, causing the apex to bend and pick up graphite flakes. These tips are used to investigate single molecules as spin filter for electrons.

Vera Janssen and Tobias de Jong - Electronic Escher
Electrons in materials are not free to roam. Quantum mechanics allows them to move under some angles, while others are forbidden. The atomic composition of a material dictates the rules. These rules lead to many properties, like the colour and electric conductivity. We image these hidden rules directly by shooting electrons to the surface at many different angles and measure which are allowed to roam on the surface, and which come back… rejected.
This image shows the angular composition of the allowed states of hexagonal boronnitride. The repetitive nature of this space is visualized with a wink to M.C. Escher.