Book publication: Between the Headphones: Listening to the Practitioner
"Between the Headphones: Listening to the Practitioner" examines historical developments from the advent of the talkies to present-day digital cinema productions, providing an embodied understanding of the unique Indian film sound world with new perspectives on cinematic narration in the practitioner’s own words.

ACPA alumnus Budhaditya Chattopadhyay new book is now available via Cambrigde Scholars Publishing.
Sound is a new area of interest in the Arts and Humanities. The study of sound in cinema has only recently been established in Film and Media Studies. Furthermore, so far, attention has focused on Hollywood and European cinema in this regard. Reading sound from other world cinemas, particularly those from the global South, remains underexplored.
As India is currently the world’s largest producer of films with a formidable global presence, this book bridges the gap with a collection of interviews, introducing leading film industry sound practitioners from the subcontinent.
Budhaditya Chattopadhyay
Chattopadhyay is an Indian-born media artist, researcher, and writer. He holds a PhD in Sound Studies and Artistic Research from the Academy of Creative and Performing Arts of Leiden University, the Netherlands, and an MA in New Media from Aarhus University, Denmark. He recently completed a one-year postdoctoral fellowship at the American University of Beirut. He is a Charles Wallace scholar and Prince Claus grantee. He has published a number of works in the areas of film and media studies, media art history and aesthetics, sound art, artistic research and sound studies in leading peer-reviewed journals, including Organised Sound, Journal of Sonic Studies, The New Soundtrack, SoundEffects, Ear │ Wave │ Event, Journal for Artistic Research, Leonardo Music Journal, and Music, Sound, and the Moving Image, among others. He is also the author of two books, The Nomadic Listener (2020) and The Auditory Setting (2021).