Podcast - UNDER/CITY/SOUND: The Hague in time of quarantine
Guy Livingston’s five-episode sound-art podcast UNDER/CITY/SOUND brings together people with different backgrounds from all over The Hague to share their listening experiences under quarantine.
A city is connected by roads, trams, cars, electricity and internet cables; but also by sounds, which ignore borders, and echo from one street to another, from one neighborhood to another. And that sonic landscape completely altered under Covid-19. First there was disbelief, shock, fear. Then there was a period of getting used to it: the city was beautiful – quiet – calm. And now life very rapidly is going somewhere else, and there’s a danger that we are already forgetting that feeling of peace, which was like mercury: precious and evanescent. Guy Livingston’s five-episode sound-art podcast UNDER/CITY/SOUND brings together people with different backgrounds from all over The Hague to share their listening experiences under quarantine.
Listen to the Podcast - UNDER/CITY/SOUND: The Hague in time of quarantine