Martijn Ridderbos reappointed vice-chairman
Martijn Ridderbos has been reappointed vice-chairman of the Executive Board of Leiden University by the Board of Governors.

The Board of Governors has decided to appoint Martijn Ridderbos for a second four-year term, as of 8 May 2021. Prior to its decision, the Board of Governors heard the deans and the University Council, who fully support the reappointment.
Charlotte de Roon, chair of the University Council: ‘For the University Council Martijn Ridderbos is an approachable administrator who proactively involves the co-participation bodies. The University Council looks forward to continuing to work with Ridderbos on the business operations portfolios and also looks forward to the discussions with him on the HR portfolio.’
Chair of the Board of Governors Ab van der Touw on the reappointment: ‘Martijn Ridderbos is a strategic thinker with vision who achieves clarity of purpose. This transparency is highly valued within the organisation. In his role he contributes to the further professionalisation of the University and its business operations. As a driven administrator he is successfully forging ahead with the campus developments in Leiden and The Hague. Ridderbos also fulfils an important role as a member of the board of the Association of Universities in the Netherlands (VSNU), where he has represented the interests of the Dutch universities in a transparent and professional manner during the funding discussion.’