Successful research colloquium of EPFR research programme
On Monday 14 December the yearly research colloquium of the research programme ‘Effective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a Pluralist World’ (EPFR) took place.
This year’s research colloquium was entitled “EPFR: Working at a Radical, Digital, Sustainable Kitchen”. Researchers from all the corners of the research programme presented their current research projects. Nikki Vosters (PhD candidate at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies) gave a presentation about her research on digitalising administrative law to improve sustainable justice. Nina van Capelleveen (PhD candidate at the department of Child Law) presented her PhD research in a presentation entitled ‘Tackling radicalisation of children: balancing fundamental rights, child protection and public safety’. The very first ‘labour rights’ complaint under an EU Free Trade Agreement was discussed by Aleydis Nissen (postdoc at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology). And in the last presentation of the afternoon ‘Democratizing Global Food Security Governance: Rights and Representation in the Committee on World Food Security’, Matthew Canfield (Assistant Professor of Law and Society & Law and Development in the Van Vollenhoven Institute) presented his research about food security.
The presentations led to sufficient food for thought and a lively discussion with the audience, who also shared valuable suggestions on the various research projects with the presenters.