NWA-grant for project 'Streaming the past'
Researchers from the Faculty of Humanities and the Faculty of Archaeology, with the support of the communication departments of these Faculties and the VALUE Foundation, has been awarded one of the first NWA-Science Communication and Outreach grant for their plan to produce live-streams via online platform Twitch.tv.
In Streaming the Past, students and researchers of Leiden University will take you back to the past through Let’s Plays of video games and vodcasts featuring the week’s news on the past. Watching live-streams has become an increasingly popular activity, especially during the pandemic. With this new initiative, Leiden University will be the first to use this global platform that draws many millions of viewers a day for sustained science communication.
Starting early next year you will be able to watch and talk along with today’s science of the past. You will find more news on this science communication initiative in upcoming newsletter, including a casting call for student assistants who will co-produce the live-streams. You can also keep up to date by following the VALUE Foundation on Twitter and at Interactive Pasts.
Can’t wait? The VALUE Foundation already has regular live-streams on Tuesdays and Thursdays on Twitch or re-watch a recent Let’s Play of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla with Thijs Porck, Angus Mol, and Aris Politopoulos.