Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm appointed Associate Professor Health Law
In addition to being Director of Operational Management at Leiden Law School, Mirjam Sombroek–van Doorm will help develop Health Law at the faculty in the coming years.

She has been appointed Associate Professor Health Law at the Institute of Private Law. The Institute is very pleased with the appointment. Since many major issues in society concern health law, it believes that working together with other institutes on these issues is very important. Mirjam Sombroek was previously awarded a PhD for her thesis Kindermishandeling en beroepsgeheim: 'Leg nadruk op goede zorg, niet op zwijgen' (on medical confidentiality in cases of child abuse and the duty of care of the doctor in the legal relationship between doctor, child, and parents).
Academic Director Willem van Boom and the nominating committee comprising Simone van der Hof, Wim Voermans and Marieke Knoef, praise the creative innovative approach in Mirjam Sombroek’s academic work. Dean Joanne van der Leun is particularly happy with the chosen direction and hopes there will be productive collaborations with other institutes and faculties.
Previously, Mirjam Sombroek was Assistant Professor at the Department of Child Law. She is also a judge at the Regional Disciplinary Court for Healthcare in Amsterdam.