LLM European Law students win Migration Case Note Contest 2020
On Tuesday 1 December, LLM European Law students Pien Offerhaus and Carina van Os won the Migration Case Note Contest 2020.
The contest was organised by the Stichting Migratierecht Nederland and the result was announced during an online event. Pien and Carina wrote their case note on M.N e.a. t. België, discussing the (lack of) protection of European human rights of asylum seekers at European embassies outside Europe. The following comments were given:
"The jury found the case note to be excellent in content. It provided a very thorough analysis, embedding the ruling in relevant case law of both the European Court of Human Rights and the European Court of Justice. Offerhaus and Van Os took into account the political aspects of the issue and proposed that, while a political solution for the issue at hand, which is making a consular application for asylum, a solution could be found in the concept of ‘functional jurisdiction’, via the element of impact. They gave great care to style and writing in correct English and this resulted in a text that took us only 5 minutes to read. Very impressive."
The case note will be published early 2021 in Jurisprudentie Vreemdelingenrecht.