Introducing Steven Hill, our new Associate Senior Policy Fellow
Steven Hill will be appointed as Associate Senior Policy Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) for a period of two years.

He recently completed a six-year term in office as the chief legal counsel to NATO Secretaries-General Jens Stoltenberg and Anders Fogh Rasmussen. He led a multinational legal team that provided legal advice on the whole range of issues facing the thirty-member Alliance, including law of armed conflict matters.
At ISGA, Steven Hill hopes to foster dialogue and intellectual exchange regarding major security issues faced by multilateral institutions. He will continue his ongoing work advising on human security and protection of civilians issues. He is also interested in building on his previous published work with The Hague Program for Cyber Norms by engaging on issues related to cyber operations.
Prior to joining NATO in 2014, Steven was Counselor for Legal Affairs at the United States Mission to the United Nations under Ambassadors Susan Rice and Samantha Power and led the legal unit at the International Civilian Office and European Union Special Representative in Kosovo. He began his international law career in the Office of the Legal Adviser at the U.S. Department of State, where he held a series of roles, including lead U.S. negotiator for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, legal adviser at the American Embassy in Baghdad, and Counsel before the International Court of Justice and Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
In addition to his work as an international law practitioner, he frequently lectures and publishes on international law and national security topics. He has taught at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center in China as well as the University of Oklahoma College of Law and George Mason University in the United States. He also served as NATO's observer to expert groups on cyber law (Tallinn Manual 2.0) and outer space law (Woomera Manual).
You can follow Steven Hill on Twitter at @Steven_Hill_Law.