Hall of fame 2020: Students and staff in the spotlight
Throughout this past year many students and staff at Leiden Law School received a prize or grant, were shortlisted for a prize or appointed to an academic body, or were honoured in some other way. All good reason to include them in our Hall of Fame 2020 to show how very proud we are of them!
See the achievements below listed per month.
- Meijers Prizes, Van Wersch Springplank prizes and Thesis Prizes awarded at New Years’ reception
- 4-year EDPG framework contract awarded to eLaw
- Willemien den Ouden appointed State Councillor
- Ymre Schuurmans visiting professor at University of Cape Town
- AB Annual Prize Geerten Boogaard and Jerfi Uzman, honourable mention Tom Barkhuysen and Michiel van Emmerik
- Lieke Kools wins Netspar PhD Award 2020)

- Stephanie Rap receives KNAW Young Career Award)
- Honorary doctorate for South African Professor Lungisile Ntsebeza
- Legal Business Game nominated for Gouden Zandloper
- Simone van der Hof appointed member of commitee of Weizenbaum Institute
- Law alumnus Vincent Peeters wins Leiden University Thesis Prize 2020
- Beryl ter Haar visiting professor at Warsaw University
- Leiden Law School climbs World Rankings
- Elsemieke Daalder wins de Johannes Cornelis Ruigrok Prize 2020
- Anna van Duijvenvoorde and Stephanie Rap receive 444 Interdisciplinary Activity Grant
- Tim van Polanen wins thesis prize from Werkgroep Achttiende Eeuw
- Tanja Masson-Zwaan honoured as Officer in the Order of Organge Nassau
- LUF grant for edition of legal diary Van Bleiswijk
- Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh awarded fellowship at Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study
- Ilya Kokorin wins Gold Medal for the III 2020 Prize in International Insolvency Studies
- COST Action grant for Bart Custers
- Team Leiden wins bronze at 2020 VAR moot court competion

- Two ICM+ grants awarded to Leiden Law School
- Paul van der Heijden appointed to arbitration panel USMCA in United States
- Marike Knoef appointed deputy Crown-appointed member of the Social and Economic Council
- European Law Moot Court Success: Best Advocate General
- Joyce Esser and Hosna Sheikhattar win 2020 Meijers PhD positions
- Jean-Pierre van der Rest receives a 2019 Outstanding Reviewer Award
- PAO 2019 teaching prizes presented online during Leiden Revisited
- Sierd Schaafsma appointed justice in the Supreme Court of the Netherlands
- Humboldt Research Fellowship awarded to Jannemieke Ouwerkerk

- Daniel Peat Wins European Society of International Law Book Prize 2020
- Joeri Bemelmans wins Moddermanprijs 2020
- Aleydis Nissen wins the European Public Law Organization Thesis Prize
- Professors Haentjens, Vriesendorp and Wessels recognized in the 2020 Lawdragon Leading Global Restructuring & Insolvency Lists
- Leiden is leader in PhD research on administrative law
- Marc Broekema sworn in as member of the Netherlands Enterprise Court at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal
- Master’s students European Law win Migration Case Note Contest 2020
- Walter Burkard wins the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2020
Are we missing someone in this list who deserves to be included? Let us know!