Update Humanities Campus: circular dismantling Cluster Zuid
The renovation of Cluster Zuid (Van Eyckhof-Van Wijkplaats) is the third project in the development of the Humanities Campus. The circular dismantling of Cluster Zuid has started.
Panels are carefully dismantled and stored for reuse in the renovated building. The goal is to harvest as many materials for reuse as possible. At the end of January, the harvesting will be completed.
Destruction is circular collecting
Cluster Zuid looks ravaged. But it is an organised ravage. Battens, fluorescent tubes and insulation material are stacked together in high stacks in the former offices. The removal of the material that can be reused has begun. The construction workers disassemble circular materials such as panels, insulation material and battens. The panels are stored for reuse as sound insulation in the renovated building. Once that job is done, the screeds and other useful material are collected. In the new year, cleaning will be done and then the harvesting will be completed at the end of January. The harvesting is done by the men of New Horizon, a construction company that sees every building as a donating building with materials that can be reused.
Sustainability Humanities Campus
Sustainability is an important theme during the realisation of the Humanities Campus. We look for sustainable solutions as much as possible. These include energy and water savings, solar panels, green roofs and a green environment, but also the reuse of materials. At Cluster Zuid, 30,000 kilos of scrap iron have already been collected and turned it, for example. There was also the recycling of the more than 450 enormous containers of all that paper and books that were disposed of during the summer.
How will things proceed?
In the spring of 2021, the actual renovation will begin. The parking garage and bicycle parking will remain in use until then. The renovated building will have a bigger appeal, with inviting spaces for meetings between students and staff. There will be more than 700 teaching and study spots, in the form of 20 new lecture/working group rooms and two larger lecture halls. In addition, a pleasant working environment will be created with working spaces, common rooms and meeting areas. The orientation of the building will be improved as well. In due course, the building will be renamed, after the involvement of the faculty staff. The renovated Cluster Zuid is expected to be put into use in 2023. The new Cluster Zuid will then house the African Study Center, the University Library, NINO, KITLV, OSZ and LIAS.
Humanities Campus
With the renovation of the buildings of the Humanities Faculty, the university is providing modern accommodation to accommodate the growing faculty. The aim is to create an appealing educational environment that encourages connection and where students and staff like to visit.
Click here for more information about sustainability during the development of the Humanities Campus.