Leiden University and '3 October Vereeniging' conclude covenant
On 11 November, Leiden University and the '3 October Vereeniging' confirmed their special relationship and collaboration in a covenant. This document lays down the way in which the two partners will be involved in the future celebration and commemoration of the Relief of Leiden.
The Relief of Leiden and Leiden University are inextricably linked. When Leiden was besieged by the Spaniards, the city’s residents put up a brave fight. In recognition of this courageous resistance, William of Orange gifted the city a university – the first in the country. On 8 February 1575, the Academia Lugduno Batava was inaugurated in Pieterskerk.

This agreement formalises the intensive partnership between Leiden University and the 3 October Vereeniging and serves as a guide for the future. Both sides are committed to preserving the academic context of the celebration and commemoration of the Relief of Leiden. The University will therefore provide academic support for initiatives that help increase general and historical awareness of the Relief of Leiden. The 3 October Vereeniging also contributed to the establishment of the Magdalena Moons chair.
In order to stimulate participation, the partners will organise activities that the University’s students can be actively involved. The University will also continue to promote the involvement of its Executive Board in the celebrations.