Universiteit Leiden

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FGGA Feeling Good: don't miss any of the Well-Being Days

From 23 to 26 November, FGGA will once again be organising the online Well-Being Days. Four days of great articles, handy tips and (online) activities. Especially for students, but also very interesting for employees. For example, read about the benefits of walking and get the best walking routes through The Hague and Leiden. How can you make sure you sleep well? Workout videos that you can easily do at home... and more. Everything to make you feel better now! And did you miss a day? Don't worry, you can read everything back here.

Monday 23 November: Hanging in there

During the last Wellbeing Week, the concept of working from home and studying was still quite new. Now, almost half a year later, it is something we are all slowly getting used to. However, sometimes it remains awkward and frustrations about the situation can arise. The question is; how do you keep it up? Today we're focusing on tips to persevere, to set up your home office in the right way. And to prevent boredom, we give book and podcast tips. In short, tips to 'hang in there'!  
Visit the agenda page to read more.


Tuesday 24 november: Feeling good on the inside

Feeling good inside. Now in this day and age perhaps more important than ever. Being balanced, sleeping well and finding a way to cope better with stress. It makes you feel good mentally and increases your resistance. In the end it makes you feel better physically. 

Today is all about feeling good from the inside out. We tell you why walking in nature is so good for you. Give you great walking routes through Leiden and The Hague. We also give you tips on what you need to do during the day to get a good night's sleep. End your day relaxing with a live Yin Yoga class via Instagram. This class can also be watched later on. 
Visit the agenda page to read more

Wednesday 25 november: Feeling good a the outside

Today we are going to get you moving. How do you make sports more fun? Read the tips from alumnus Carmen. How do you start running without injuries? Lonneke Derriks, former athlete and head of the University Sports Centre gives advice. Sports exercises for at home in a special video made for you by student Arthur. Of course there is also a book tip. 
Visit Wednesday's agenda page to read everything

Tuesday 26 November: Feeling hungry

The last day of these well-being days and we end with: Feeling hungry!

Which nutrients are actually good for you and why? We give you a healthy ABC. Furthermore, former student Manon gives the recipe of a healthy smoothie, plus a delicious recipe for biscuits by student Sarah. Have fun and enjoy your meal!

Visit Thursday's agenda page here. 

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