Consortia awarded grant for research into pressing issues
Various consortia in which Leiden University is represented are beginning interdisciplinary research, which will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Knowledge institutions, government and private parties are working closely together on the projects.
The projects have been awarded funding within the second round of the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA): Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC). Ninety-three million euros in total are available, 81 million of which come from the Dutch Research Agenda.
Don’t be late! Postponing cognitive decline and preventing early unemployment in patients with multiple sclerosis
When patients with multiple sclerosis report cognitive and work-related problems, these problems are often too advanced for treatment. Intervening sooner rather than later is crucial, which requires a paradigm shift from symptom management towards prevention of symptoms. By focussing on prevention, quality of life and participation in society will be enhanced.
Consortium: Amsterdam Medical Center location VUmc, VU Amsterdam, Leiden University, Sanofi Genzyme, Merck bv, Personal Fitness Nederland, MS vereniging Nederland, St. Anthonius Hospital Nieuwegein, Hospital Rivierenland Tiel, Medisch Spectrum Twente Enschede, Stichting MS Research, Nationaal MS Fonds, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Verzekeringsgeneeskunde, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Arbeids- en bedrijfsgeneeskunde, MSweb.nl.
Amount awarded: 1.6 miljoen euros
eHealth Junior
Within eHealth Junior, care professionals, patients, business partners, and government collaborate to develop high-quality eHealth tools for one million chronically ill children. These tools allow personalised and trans-diagnostic prevention of psychological problems and optimal participation. eHealth tools will be made widely available through accessible, user-friendly, safe, and sustainable platforms.
Consortium: Erasmus MC, Tilburg University, University of Twente, TU Delft, University Medical Center Utrecht, Radboudumc, Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center, Fontys, Tranzo, GGZ, Utrecht University, VU Amsterdam, NHL Stenden, HKU, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Trimbos Institute, Kind en Ziekenhuis, Nederlandse Cystic Fibrosis Stichting, Patiëntenvereniging Aangeboren hartafwijkingen, Sophia Foundations (SKZ), Ronald McDonald Kinderfonds, National Youth Council (NJR), Kenniscentrum Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie, Games for Health Europe, Ellis in Wonderland, Augeo Foundation, Philips VitalHealth, IJsfontein, Ivido, Jantje Beton, Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Munipality of Rotterdam, Breburg Centre youth mental health, NVK Dutch Pediatric Society, Princess Máxima Center for Pediatric Oncology, Patiëntenorganisatie VSOP, Netherlands Psychiatric Association, ReumaNederland, Menzis, CZ, Zorgverzekeraars Nederland, Zilveren Kruis, Waag.
Amount awarded: 4.9 million euros
Pressing Matter: Ownership, Value and the Question of Colonial Heritage in Museums
Pressing Matter investigates the potentialities of “colonial objects” to support societal reconciliation with the colonial past and its afterlives, and reconcile conflicting claims by different stakeholders for these objects within museums. The project will develop and test new models of ownership, value and return that may enable futures that are more equitable.
Consortium: VU Amsterdam, University of Amsterdam, Utrecht University, Leiden University, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, University of Groningen, University Medical Center Amsterdam, Dutch National Museum of World Cultures, Stichting Nationaal Museum van Wereld Culturen, Stichting Academisch Erfgoed, Rijksmuseum, Bronbeek Museum, Framer Framed, Rijksakademie, The Black Archives, Peace Palace Library, University of Groningen Museum, Utrecht University Museum, Hapin, Papua Support Foundation, Dutch Culture, Cultural Heritage Agency, Imagine IC, Pitt Rivers Museum, Center for Anthropological Research on Museums and Heritage, Museum Nasional Indonesia, Universitas Gadjah Mada, University of the Western Cape, Deutsches Zentrum Kulturgutverluste.
Amount awarded: 3.5 million euros
Introducing the immune system into drug discovery tools
Instead of using laboratory animals, the effects of drugs or therapies can be tested using miniature tissue models, mimicking organ responses. However, none of these models currently include the lymphatic and immune systems, despite their importance to our health. The researchers will develop “organ-on-chip” models with integrated lymphatics, providing a precision tool in the battle against immune-related diseases.
Consortium: Leiden University Medical Center, Amsterdam University Medical Center location VUmc, Wageningen University and Research, University Twente, TU Delft, Maastricht University, IBA Lifesciences GmbH, TissUse GmbH, Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting, Dutch Society for the Replacement of Animal Testing, BioEC, Cealus health, IMEC (One Planet), PolyVation, Alveolé, Optics11, hDMT, Ibidi GmbH, AIM Biotech, VSParticle, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, Maag Lever Darm Stichting, The University of Melbourne, Ncardia, Roche, Danone Nutricia Research.
Amount awarded: 4.9 million euros
Quantum Inspire – the Dutch Quantum Computer in the Cloud
The quantum computer is underway, but is society ready for it? Quantum Inspire combines the latest quantum technology into the first European prototype quantum computer and makes it available online to everyone 24/7, with a view on first exposure, education, development and new applications that address important societal issues.
Consortium: TU Delft, Leiden University, Radboud University, HAS University of Applied Sciences, Qutech, TNO, Waag, Ministry of Defence, Malmberg, Zurich Instruments, Onderwijsnetwerk Zuid-Holland (ONZ), Leiden University Graduate School of Teaching.
Amount awarded: 4.5 million euros
The Dutch Black Hole Consortium
This consortium will carry out an interdisciplinary black hole research programme, from developing telescope technology and doing geological research for the possible arrival of the Einstein Telescope, to pure astronomical and theoretical questions. Via educational and outreach, the researchers will try to engage a large part of society in this.
Consortium: Utrecht University, Radboud University, Nikhef, University of Amsterdam, University of Twente, Maastricht University, Utrecht University, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, TU Delft, Leiden University, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, TNO, Utrecht University of Applied Sciences, Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Museumplein Limburg, Province of Limburg, Innoseis, Shell, Las Cumbres Observatory, The Black Hole Initiative, Natuurkunde.nl.
Amount awarded: 4.9 million euros
DARTBAC: Dutch Antimicrobial Resistance Technology development and Biofilm Assessment Consortium
Emerging antimicrobial resistance (AMR) will make antibiotics much less effective in infection treatment and prevention. DARTBAC will develop new antimicrobial technologies that are not based on antibiotics to target this problem. Collectively, DARTBAC is bringing the entire knowledge chain together to develop new material technologies to combat AMR.
Consortium: Amsterdam University Medical Center location AMC, TU Delft, Eindhoven University of Technology, Leiden University Medical Center, Maastricht University (UM-M4i), Maastricht University Medical Center, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, University Medical Center Groningen, University Medical Center Utrecht, University of Amsterdam, B. Braun Aesculap (Germany), BiosparQ, Bonalive Biomaterials Ltd, CAM Bioceramics BV, DSM Biomedical, MadamTherapeutics, OS-1, PCI Biotech, ReumaNederland, Zorginnovaties, Dutch Knowledge Institute Medical Specialists, Dutch Orthopaedic Association, AMR-Insights.
Amount awarded: 9.7 million euros
Virtual Human Platform for Safety Assessment
Through co-creation with stakeholders, the consortium will develop the world’s first Virtual Human Platform to determine the safety of chemicals and pharmaceuticals for human health based solely on human biology. By integrating innovations in data science, human tissue culture models and transition management, we will spearhead the transition to laboratory-animal-free safety assessment.
Consortium: Universiteit Utrecht, Hogeschool Utrecht, RIVM, Universiteit Maastricht, Universiteit Leiden, Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen Food Safety Research, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, VU Medisch Centrum, TNO, Erasmus Medisch Centrum, Utrecht Medisch Centrum, ORTEC, Certara U.K., Charles River Laboratories, Unilever, Shell, Bayer, Galapagos, Cosmetics Europe, KWR, Ministerie LNV, Stichting Proefdiervrij, VIG, Brandwondenstichting, Nierstichting, College beoordeling geneesmiddelen, hDMT, SURFsara, DTL, US-EPA, iVPH, Uppsala Universiteit.
Amount awarded: 9.9 million euros
The Circadian Clock in Modern Society
Our 24-hour society disrupts the biological clock of many species, increasing the prevalence of mental and physical illness and threatening biodiversity on a global scale. The researchers will develop strategies to restore and maintain clock function in society and healthcare, helping to ensure a sustainable future for our planet and its inhabitants.
Consortium: Leiden University Medical Center, Amsterdam University Medical Center, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Erasmus MC, Van Hall Larenstein, University of Applied Sciences, Leiden University, University of Amsterdam, Institute of Biology Leiden, Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, Netherlands Institute for Neuroscience, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, University of Groningen, Eindhoven University of Technology, TNO, University Medical Center Utrecht, ARTIS, Centre for Human Drug Research, Chrono Eyewear BV, Chrono @Work, Edelris, Municipality of Amsterdam, Municipality of Apeldoorn, Municipality of The Hague, Municipality of Leiden, Municipality of Rotterdam, Municipality of Texel, Municipality of Utrecht, Geestelijke gezondheidszorg voor mensen in Eindhoven en omgeving, Good Light Group, Hersenstichting, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Dutch Cancer Society, Leyden Academy on Vitality & Ageing, Methylomics BV, MediluX BV, NEMO Science Museum, OcellO, Peira, Technolab, Witte Raaf, Algemeen Verbond Van Volkstuinders Verenigingen in Nederland, Caring Universities Consortium, Municipality of Putten, Glastuinbouw Nederland, Globe at Night, Holland Rijnland, International Dark Sky Association, Leids Universitair Behandel- en Expertise Centrum, Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Natuur & Milieufederaties, Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research, Openbare Verlichting Nederland, Platform Betere Tijden, Rijkswaterstaat, Smart City program, Vereniging van Ouders van Couveusekinderen, Vreeken’s Zaden, Water Board Hunze en Aa’s.
Amount awarded: 9.7 million euros