Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory: New Report on Admissibility under CRC-OP3
A new report on admissibility under the Optional Protocol to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) on a Communications Procedure (OP3) has been published.
The report written by prof. Jaap Doek builds on the research of the students of the LLM Advanced Studies in International Children’s Rights, class 2019/2020. It presents an annotated overview of the decisions of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child in which it declared communications inadmissible. The report sheds light on the different admissibility criteria and the way the Committee applies and interpreters these criteria. In doing so the report informs individuals or (legal) professionals who consider to submit a communication to the UN Committee in Geneva.
The report has been published at the Leiden Children’s Rights Observatory under the responsibility of the observatory’s editorial board. The observatory aims to reflect on developments concerning the CRC-OP3 and related issues from scholarly and/or professional perspectives.